नमस्ते शारदे देवि काश्मीरपुरवासिनि। त्वामहं प्रार्थये नित्यं
विद्यादानं च देहि मे॥ Oh Goddess Sharada (Sarasvati), resident of Kashmir, I bow down to thee.
I pray to you to give me the gift of knowledge.
popularly known as Koshur, is an Indo-Aryan
language. Even the opponents of this linguistic
classification of this language, grouped it with Dardi,
Shrinya, Khowar dialects, which are spoken in the areas
adjacent to the valley in its north and north-west.
Language historians and linguists have often, however,
concurred on the theory that the above-mentioned
dialects fall in the category of languages that bear
resemblance to the Indo-Aryan as well as to the
Indo-Iranian languages.
believe that like the earliest Naga inhabitants of the
mountains of Kashmir having been cut off from the
mainstream Aryans like their counterparts (viz. the
Ghandarvas, the Yakshas, the Kinnaras etc.), their
language took time to accept influences and merge with
the main Aryan languages. The Naga language developed of
its own and underwent changes natural to any language.
All the same it maintained its peculiar vowel system and
when it surfaced in the 8th-9th century AD, it had
passed through all the stages of the Prakrits and
Apabhrams has like other modern Indian languages, the
earliest available evidence of the Kashmiri language
belongs to this period.
site makes an attempt to preserve what is not lost yet
by offering online lessons in real audio format.