NOTE: Click on any image to listen to its audio clip.
Area and Speakers
The Kashmiri language is called
or by its native speakers. It is primarily spoken in the Kashmir Valley
of the state of Jammu and Kashmir in India. According to
the 1981 census there are 30,76,398 speakers of the language. The census was not conducted in the year 1991. Keeping in view the
rise of the population over last many years, the current number
of its speakers will be around four million. Kashmiri is also
spoken by Kashmiris settled in other parts of India, and other
countries. The language spoken in and around Srinagar is regarded
as the standard variety. It is used in literature, mass media
and education.
Classification and Dialects
There is a general consensus amongst historical linguists that Kashmiri
belongs to the Dardic branch of the Indo-Aryan family. Grierson (1919),
Morgenstierne (1961), Fussman (1972) classify Kashmiri under Dardic group of
Indo-Aryan languages.
The t.mp3 Dardic is stated to be only a geographical convention and
not a linguistic expression. The classification of Kashmiri and
other Dardic languages has been reviewed in some works (Kachru
1969, Strand 1973, Koul and Schmidt 1984) with different
purposes in mind. Kachru points out linguistic characteristics of Kashmiri.
Strand presents his observations on Kafir languages. Koul and Schmidt have
reviewed the literature on the classification of Dardic languages and have
investigated the linguistic characteristics or features of these languages with
special reference of Kashmiri and Shina.
Kashmiri has two types of dialects: (a) Regional dialects and (b) Social
dialects. Regional dialects are further of two types: (i) those regional
dialects or variations which are spoken in the regions inside the valley of
Kashmir and (ii) those which are spoken in the regions outside the valley of
Kashmir. Kashmiri speaking area in the valley is ethno-semantically divided into three
regions: (1) Maraz (southern and south-eastern region), (2) Kamraz (northern and
north-western region) and (3) Srinagar and its neighboring areas. There are some
minor linguistic variations mainly at the phonological and lexical levels.
Kashmiri spoken in the three regions is not only mutually intelligible but quite
homogeneous. These dialectical variations can be t.mp3ed as different styles of
the same speech. Since Kashmiri, spoken in and around Srinagar has gained some social
prestige, very frequent ‘style switching’ takes places from Marazi or
Kamrazi styles to that of the style of speech spoken in Srinagar and its
neighboring areas. This phenomena of style switching is very common among the
educated speakers of Kashmiri. Kashmiri spoken in Srinagar and surrounding areas
continues to hold the prestige of being the standard variety which is used in
mass media and literature.
There are two main regional dialects, namely Poguli and Kashtawari spoken
outside the valley of Kashmiri (Koul and Schmidt 1984). Poguli is spoken in the
Pogul and Paristan valleys bordered on the east by Rambani and Siraji, and on
the west by mixed dialects of Lahanda and Pahari. The speakers of Poguli are
found mainly to the south, south-east and south-west of Banihal. Poguli shares
many linguistic features including 70%
vocabulary with Kashmiri (Koul and Schmidt 1984). Literate Poguli speakers of Pogul and Pakistan valleys speak standard
Kashmiri as well. Kashtawari is spoken in the Kashtawar valley, lying to the
south east of Kashmir. It is bordered on the south by Bhadarwahi, on the west by
Chibbali and Punchi, and on the east by Tibetan speaking region of Zanskar.
Kashtawari shares most of the linguistic features of standard Kashmiri, but
retains some archaic features which have disappeared from the latter. It shares
about 80% vocabulary with Kashmiri (Koul and Schmidt 1984).
No detailed sociolinguistic research work has been conducted to study
different speech variations of Kashmiri spoken by different communities and
speakers who belong to different areas, professions and occupations. In some
earlier works beginning with Grierson (1919: 234) distinction has been pointed
out in two speech variations of Hindus and Muslims, two major communities who
speak Kashmiri natively. Kachru (1969) has used the terms Sanskritized Kashmiri
and Persianized Kashmiri to denote the two style differences on the grounds of
some variations in pronunciation, morphology and vocabulary common among Hindus
and Muslims. It is true that most of the distinct vocabulary used by Hindus is
derived from Sanskrit and that used by
Muslims is derived from Person-Arabic sources. On considering the phonological and morphological variations (besides
vocabulary) between these two dialects, the terms used by Kachru do not appear
to be appropriate or adequate enough to represent the two socio-dialectical
variations of styles of speech. The dichotomy of these social dialects is not
always clear-cut. One can notice a process of style switching between the speakers
of these two dialects in terms of different situations and participants. The
frequency of this ‘style switching’ process between the speakers of these
two communities mainly depends on different situations and periods of contact
between the participants of the two communities at various social, educational
and professional levels. Koul (1986) and Dhar (1984) have presented co-relation
between certain linguistic and social
variations of Kashmiri at different social
and regional levels. The socio-linguistic variations of the language deserve a
detailed study.
Unique Characteristics
Kashmiri is closely related to Shina and some other languages of the
North-West frontier. It also shares some morphological features
such as pronominal suffixes with Sindhi and Lahanda. However, Kashmiri is different from all other Indo-Aryan languages
in certain phonological, morphological and syntactic features.
For example, Kashmiri has a set of central vowels , and dental affricates /ts/ and /tsh/ which are not found
in other Indo-Aryan languages. In a similar way, in Kashmiri
the finite verb always occurs in the second position with
the exception in relative clause constructions. The word order
in Kashmiri, thus, resembles the one in G.mp3an, Dutch, Icelandic,
Yiddish and a few other languages. These languages
f.mp3 a distinct set and are currently known as Verb Second
(V-2) languages. Note that the word order generated by V-2
languages is quite different from Verb middle languages such
as English. In a V-2 language, any constituent of a sentence
can precede the verb. It is worth mentioning here that
Kashmiri shows several unique features which are different from the above
mentioned other V-2 languages.
Various scripts have been used for Kashmiri. The main scripts are: Sharda,
Devanagari, Roman and Perso-Arabic. The Sharda script, developed around the 10th
century, is the oldest script used for Kashmiri. The script was not developed
for writing Kashmiri. It was primarily used for writing Sanskrit by the local
scholars at that time. Besides a large number of Sanskrit literary works, old
Kashmiri works were written in this script. This script does not represent all
the phonetic characteristics of the Kashmiri language. It is now being used for
very restricted purposes (for writing horoscopes) by the priestly class of the
Kashmiri Pandit community. The Devanagari script with additional diacritical
marks is used for Kashmiri by writers and researchers in representing the data
from Kashmiri texts in their writings in Hindi related to language, literature
and culture. It is also used as an additional script (besides Perso-Arabic) or
alternate script in certain literary works, religious texts including devotional
songs written by Hindu writers outside the valley of Kashmir after their
migration from the valley. It is being used by a few journals namely Koshur
Samachar, Kshir
Bhawani Times, Vitasta, and Milchar
on regular basis. Certain amount of
inconsistency prevails in the use of diacritic signs. The diacritic signs for
writing Kashmiri in this script have recently been standardized and the computer
software is available for it. It is not yet used in all the publications. The
Roman script is also used for Kashmiri but is not very popular. The Roman script
with phonetic diacritic signs is used in the presentation of data from Kashmiri
in the linguistic and literary works related to the Kashmiri language and
literature written in English. It is also used in instructional materials for
teaching and or learning Kashmiri as a second/foreign language through the
medium of English. However, there is no unif.mp3ity in the use of diacritic
The Perso-Arabic script with additional diacritical marks now known as
Kashmiri script has been recognized as the official script for Kashmiri by the
Jammu and Kashmir Government and is now widely used in publications in the
language. It still lacks standardization (Koul 1996). The computer software is
available for writing Kashmiri in this script.
Learning of Kashmiri as a second/foreign language
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in learning Kashmiri
as a second/foreign language. Kashmiri is being taught as a second language at
the Northern Regional Language Centre (CIIL) Patiala since 1971. A limited
number of pedagogical materials in the from of language courses and
supplementary materials have been produced in Kashmiri so far. Kachru
(1969,1973) has made first serious attempt in this regard. Koul (1985,1995) has
prepared two textbooks for teaching basic and int.mp3ediate level courses in
Kashmiri at the NRLC Patiala. They introduce all major structures of the
Kashmiri language. Bhat (1982) and Raina(1995) have prepared readers in for
teaching Kashmiri at the first two levels at the sochool level. They contain
lessons on the Kashmiri script and some structures. Bhat (2001) has prepared an
audio-cassette course in Kashmiri with a manual useful for the second language
learners of Kashmiri.
The present book is essentially a self-instructional course. It contains 20
lessons presenting basic structures of the Kashmiri language. Each lesson
contains usually one major structure along with related patterns. All the
lessons consist of text, mostly in the f.mp3 of dialogues, followed by drills,
exercises, vocabulary and notes on grammar. Texts are given with equivalent
English translations. It is to be noted that these English translations have no
one to one correspondence with Kashmiri, either structurally or stylistically
but are intended, only to convey the general meaning.
Drills are provided for the oral practice of the structure and teachable
items introduced in each lesson. The types of drills introduced are:
Substitution drill, Repetition drill, Transformation drill, and Response drill.
The main types of exercises used in this book are: Fill in the blanks using
suitable words, completion of sentences, answering of questions, using of words
and phrases in sentences etc. The drills and exercise are designed to help the
development of learners’ linguistic competence in the language systematically.
The vocabulary section lists lexical items, which occur in the lesson for the
first time. The English meanings given for the lexical items are generally
restricted to the context they occur in the lesson. The notes on grammar are
provided from the functional point of view and the use of technical terms is
kept to the minimum. The learners may consult other sources (Kachru 1969, 1973,
Koul 1977, 1985, Koul and Hook 1984, Bhat 1986, and Wali and Koul 1997) for more
detailed grammatical descriptions. The appendix provides a list of classified
vocabulary in Kashmiri. The learners who use this book as a self-instructional
course must ensure that they practice drills and attempt exercises given in each
lesson with the assistance of a native speaker of Kashmiri or from the lessons
recorded, to be obtained from the publishers.
This book was first published in 1987. It is reprinted with minor revisions.
I would like to thank Mr. Sunil Fotedar for making
it available on net and encouraging me to bring out its second
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