Read Sharda

A Sharda Primer
Prem Nath Shastri (URL)
Available from:
Vijyeshwar Religious Book Store
Tallab Tillo, Jammu,
J&K State, India
has not only been popularly known as Bhuswarga (paradise on earth) but also as a
famous seat of learning (Sharda Peetha). It is even believed by some Indologists
to be the original center of Sharda script. So Shardapeetha cannot be separated
from Sharda Script. According to palaeographers, Sharda Script is the
offshot of North-Western Brahmi. Many inscriptions and Sharda manuscripts were
found in the different parts of the sub continent especially in Central Asia and
Central Turkistan. There are many references in Sanskrit literature about Sharda
Desha. Kashmir is called Sharda Kshetra or land of Goddess Sharda and this
is no doubt the origin of the name of the alphabet, although Elmisilie in his
Kashmir Vocabulary. Sharda mentions a tradition that it is said to have reduced
Kashmiri language in writing. Sharda was once extensively used by both in the
plains and hills of the punjab.
The earliest known
inscription is the Dewai inscriptions of the Shahi King Bhimadeva. The other
important inscriptions are Shahi King Jayapala discovered from Barikote in upper
Swat and Hund ancient Udhbandapura dated 146 and of Queen kamishwaridevi
dated 154-157.
On the basis of
internal evidences, Sharda script has been in use in Kashmir from the 9th
century A.D. to this day. The earliest specimens are the legends on the coins of
the Utpala Dynasty and the fragmentary inscription mentioning the name of
Avantiverman. In addition to it, there are two inscriptions of the reign of
Queen Didda(A.D.980), one incised on a stone slab dated A.D. 992 and the second
on the pedestal of Bodhis atva Padampani (dated A.D. 989) preserved in the Sri
Partap Singh Museum, Srinagar. The other important inscriptions are : - Tapar
stone lintal inscription of the reign of Parmanddeva, A.D. 1157 Arigam (Skrt-Aryagrama)
stone slab inscription of the (Laukika) year 73 or A.D. 1197. The Kotiher (Distt.
Anantnag) inscription of the reign of Zain-ul-abdin Budshah dated 1428. The last
known inscriptions from Kashmir belongs to the end of the 18th century. It has
been discovered in the Pulwama district and is dated A.D. 1789. The Kashmiri
translation of Bible was published in 1822 A.D. in the Sharda script. Then its
second edition appeared in Nastalik. The will of saint Maqdoom Sahib written in
Sharda and Persian scripts is enhancing the importance of S.P.S. Museum,
Sharda Script was very
popular in Kashmir. Birth record and horoscopes etc. were written in this
script. During the ceremony of Yajnopavita (Mekhala) the Kulaguru (the family
priest) teaches the celibate (Brahmachari) alphabet of Siddha Matrika (old form
of Sharda) on the wooden piece, this tradition is prevalent even today.
Sharda script is
decaying day by day. After migration of Kashmiri Pandits from Kashmir to
different states of India, it suffered a set back. At present it is confined to
the limited priestly class. It is interesting to note here that during the
Medieval period, Kashmiri was written in Sharda script.