Painstakingly spun over the years, these stories, including folk-tales
and historical tales, are bound to exercise a charm over people of all ages,
even as the beautiful locale of Kashmir does. Bringing an assorted collection
together in this Prestigious volume, Prof. Somnath Dhar calls it his magnum
opus-the learned author shares very interesting vignettes of the Valley,
including the chequered annals, with the reader.
The historical tales, starting with an apt reverle on the Jhelum, the historic,
serpentine river, recall telling episodes of ancient history, culled from
Kalhana's Rajatarangini. Then follow tales dealing with Mughal and other rulers,
right down to Dogra Maharajas. The last tale recounts the exploits of Mujahid
Sherwani, the martyr of `New Kashmir,. The story of "Robin Hood of
Kashmir", had appeared in 108 countries, as one of "The World's
Strangest Stories', syndicated by a London daily, in 1957-58.