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Lalla-Ded Educational and Welfare Trust

Foreword to the First Edition
Preface to the First Edition
A Note from Authors for the revised Edition
Symbols and Abbreviations
Section 1 ~ Introduction to Nagari-Kashmiri Alphabet
- Vowels and Symbols in Nagari-Kashmiri
- Combination of Anusvara with Vowels and Symbols
- Consonants in Nagari-Kashmiri
- Consonants f.mp3ing Conjuncts with Vowels  and 
- Using Ardhachandra  
- Using  and Ardhachandra 
- Using Symbols  and 
- Using Symbols  and 
- Using  and 
- Difference in Pronunciation of words using Vowels &
- Difference in Pronunciation of words using Vowels &
Section 2 ~ Words and Sentences
- Identifying Vowels & Symbols-I
- Identifying Vowels & Symbols-II
- Identifying Vowels & Symbols-III
- Identifying Vowels & Symbols-IV
- Identifying Vowels & Symbols Assorted

- Simple Sentences
- Practice in Reading-I
- Practice in Reading-II
- Practice in Reading-III
- Practice in Reading-IV
Section 3 ~ Translation Vocabulary
- Some words of daily use
- Numbers 1 to 50
- Parts of Body
- Animals~Birds~Reptiles/Insects
- Professions
- Relations
- Fruits ~ Vegetables
- Time ~ Yugas
- Days of Week~Months~Seasons
- Miscellaneous Vocabulary
- Model Passage-1~A Conversation
- Model Passage-2~My Motherland
Basic Reader for Kashmiri Language
M. K. Raina & Neelam Trakru

Section 1: Introduction to Nagari-Kashmiri Alphabet

NOTE: Click on any Nagari-Kashmiri image to listen to the audio clip

Chapter 4

While joining a consonant with built-in prop like etc. with vowels  and to f.mp3 a conjunct, either its prop (in case of unbalanced letter like ) or last leg of the portion to the right of its prop (in case of a balanced letter like ) is removed as illustrated below. Consonants without a prop like etc. are attached with Halantwhen joined with  and 


* Combinations given here are only for illustration. The sounds of and are palatal sounds. It is not necessary to use with these letters to indicate the palatalization.

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