by: P. N. Pushp and K. Warikoo
Himalayan Research
and Cultural Foundation
Har-Anand Publications
the complex dynamics of language development in a multi-lingual State like
Jammu and Kashmir, is not only a challenging task but also important for
creating informed opinion about the status of languages and their role
in identity formation. Often described as a three-storeyed edifice founded
upon bonds of history and geography and linked by a common destiny, the
J&K State presents a fascinating mosaic of cross-cultural interaction.
This study delves
into the cultural moorings of various mother tongues of the State and the
problems encountered in their development. It presents local as well as
specialists' perspectives on issues relating to the linguistic predicament
in all the regions of the State. The book brings into focus the neglected
state of the indigenous languages (Kashmiri, Dogri, Gujari, Ladakhi, Balti
etc.). It also spells out ways and means to redress the present anomalous

Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh:
Ethno-Linguistic Areas
(Not to scale)