by: P. N. Pushp and K. Warikoo
Himalayan Research
and Cultural Foundation
Har-Anand Publications |
Select Bibliography
- Bailey, T.Grahame, Pronounciation of Kashmiri. London, 1873. 70p.
- Bailey, T.Grahame, Linguistic Studies from the Himalayas. London, 1915.
- Bailey, T.Grahame, Languages of the Northern Himalayas Studied in the
Grammar of twenty-six Himalayan Dialects. London, 1908.
- Bailey, T.Grahame, Grammar of the Shina Language. London, 1924. 285p.
- Barbour, P.L. 'Burucaski, a language of Northern Kashmir'. Journal of
American Oriental Society. Vol. 41, 1921, pp. 60-72.
- Biddulph,J. 'Dialect of tribes of the Hindu Kush, and the Boorishki
language spoken in Hunza, Nagar and Yasin'. Journal of Royal Asiatic ociety
of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 16, 1884. pp. 74-119.
- Bishun Narayan Pandit, Gulzari-i-Kashmir. Lahore, 1873.
- Buhler, G., Tour in search of Sanskrit MSS. Bombay 1877.
- Bukhhard, Karl Fredrich Essays on Kashmiri Grammar. Translated and edited
by G.A. Grierson. Indian Antiquary Vol. 24, 1895, pp. 337-47; Vol. 25, 1896,
pp 1-9, 29-35, 80-102, 165-73, 193-99, 208-16; Vol. 26, 1897, pp. 188-92;
Vol. 27, 1898, pp. 179 93, 215-21, 228-32, 309-17; Vol. 28, 1899, pp. 6-13,
85.93, 169-79, 219-23, 245-52; Vol. 29,
- 1900.
- Campbell, George Specimens of Languages of India. Calcutta, 1874.
- Deambi, B.K. Kaul, Corpus of Sharada Inscriptions of Kashmir. Delhi, 1982.
- Edelman, D.I. Dardskic jazki. Moscow, 1965.
- Elmslie, W.J., Vocabulary of the Kashmiri Language. London, 1872. 264p.
- Grierson, G.A. Dictionary of the Kashmiri Language. Compiled partly from
materials left by late Pandit Isvara Kaula. Calcutta, Asiatic Society of
Bengal, 1916-32. 4 Vols. 1252p.
- Grierson, G.A. Essays on Kashmiri Grammar. Calcutta, 1899, 258p.
- Grierson, G.A., Ed., Kacmiracabdamrta : A Kashmir grammar written in
Sanskrit language by Isvara Kaula. Calcutta, Asiatic Society, 1898, 376p.
- Grierson, G.A., Language of Maha-Naya Prakasa: An Examination of the
Kashmiri as written in
- the fifteenth century. Memoirs, Journal of Asiatic Society of
Bengal, Vol.. 112, 1929, pp. 73-130
- Grierson, G.A., Linguistic Survey of India Vol. 9, Pt 4:
- Comp and Ed. (Indo-Aryan family, Specimens of Pahari Language and Gujuri).
Delhi, Motilal
- Banarasidas, 1909.
- Grierson, G.A. Comp. Linguistic Survey of. India. Vol. 8, Pt. 2:
(Indo-Aryan family, Dardi; Kashmiri and Ed. etc.) Delhi, Motilal Banarasidas,
Reprint, 1967 576p.
- Grierson. G.A., Manual of Kashmiri Language. Oxford, Clarendon Press,
- Grierson, G.A., Specimens of the Dardic or Pisacha languages including
Kashmiri. Calcutta, Supdt. Govt. Printing, 1919. 567p.
- Gupta, Bansilal., Dogri bhasya our Vyakran. Jammu, J&K Cultural
Academy, 1965. 213p.
- Gupta, Om Prakash, Dogri-Hindi Prasang. Jammu, Rashmi Pub., 1966.
- Jones, J. Hilton, Dictionary of Kashmiri Proverbs and Sayings. Bombay,
Education Society's Press, 1885. 263p.
- Kachru, Braj B., A Reference Grammar of Kashmiri. Illinois, University of
Illinois, 1969. 416p.
- Kaul, Jayalal. Studies in Kashmiri. Srinagar, 1968. 337p.
- Kaul, O.N. and Kashmiri: A Sociolinguistic Survey. Patiala, 1983. 67p.
- Schmidt, Ruth Laile
- Koshal, S., Conversational Ladakhi. Delhi, Motilal Banarasidas, 1982.
- Koshal, S., Ladakhi Grammar, Delhi, Motilal Banarasidas, 1979. 377p.
- Koshal, S., Ladakhi Phonetic Reader. Mysore, Central Instt. of Indian
Languages, 1976. 205p.
- Leitner, G.W., Language and Races of Daidistan. Lahore, 1877.
- Lorime, D.L.R., Burushaski Language. Cambridge, 1935-38. 3 Vols.
- Neve, Ernest F., English: Kashmiri. Mysore, Wesley Press. 58p
- Nur Mohammad Koeshur bolchal Kalam. Ed. 2, Srinagar, Ghulam Mohammad Nur
Mohammad, 1948. 224p.
- O' Brien, D.J.T., Grammar and Vocabulary of the Khowar dialect - Chitrali.
Lahore, 1895, xiv, 126p.
- Raina, Shiban Krishan, Kashmiri bhasya our Sahitya. Delhi, Sanmarg
Prakashan, 1972, 262p.
- Razdan, Prithvi Nath Hindi in Kashmir: A Survey. 1969. 372p.
- Seva Singh, Riyasat Kashmir Main Punjabi Zaban Aur Adab. 1968.
- Smailpuri, Tara Dogri Kahavat Kosh. Cultural Academy, 1962. 204p.
- Wade, T. Russell. Grammar of the Kashmiri Language as spoken in the Valley
of Kashmir. London, 1888. 159p.
- Warikoo, K., Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh: A Classifiedand Comprehensive
Bibliography. Comp. & Ed. Delhi, 1976. 555p.
- Zahur-ud-din. Development of Urdu Language and Literature in the Jammu
Region. Srinagar, 1985, 490p.
- Zainagiri, A.K. Tak, Koshruk elaqa wad phireh. (In Kashmiri). Srinagar,
J&K Cultural Academy, 1967. 52op.
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