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- Preface
- Contributors
- Kashmiri and the Linguistic Predicament
- Roots, Evolution and Affinity
- The Sharada Script
- The Dogri Language
- Gujari Language
- Sanskritic Impact
- The Balti Language
- Balti, Bodhi, Spiti & Lahuli Speeches
- Urdu in Jammu and Kashmir
- Hindi in Kashmir
- Language and Politics
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Appendix C
- Appendix D
- Select Bibliography
Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh - Linguistic Predicament

Edited by: P. N. Pushp and K. Warikoo
Himalayan Research and Cultural Foundation
Har-Anand Publications


Identifying identity may prove an arduous task; yet, the attempt reveals that language has emerged as a significant marker of cultural identity. Or, should we say, a basic identity within the country's over-all identity comprising a number of sub-identities?

To facilitate comprehension of such a fascinating mosaic of cross-cultural interaction in the Jammu and Kashmir State, an authentic account of the contributory facts and factors has been a longfelt need. It was in this verv context that the Himalayan Research and Cultural Foundation organized a Seminar on "Cultural Heritage of the Western Himalayas and its Future" on March 23-24, 1994 at India International Centre, New Delhi, which among other things deliberated on the linguistic heritage of the State. The deliberations highlighted the need to go into the cultural moorings of various mother tongues of the State.

Such a need is sought to be fulfilled by the present volume of papers by a group of specialists who are known to have devoted considerable time and thought to their respective. branch of study. Covering all the mother tongues, besides the link languages of Urdu and Hindi, the papers present a significant cross-section of the linguistic predicament of the three regions of the State.

The editors have consciously abstained from any sort of regimentation of matter or manner. They
have, in fact, pinned down the editorial processing to the irreducible minimum. Nevertheless, they
are aware of shortcomings, here and there. They have had to put up with some cases of over-elaboration, which they have however, had to accommodate as informative appendage.

Discerning readers are expected to work out common multiples as well as factors of objective thinking in the context of the linguistic predicament awaiting timely attention. Objective thinking, of course, is the crying need of the hour, in view of the establishment's chronic aversion to the long-denied claims of the mother tongue. Pedagogy in the State seems to have remained blissfully ignorant of these claims, while the bureaucratic bosses of the Education Department have all along succumbed to chauvinistic pressures of political expediency.

The right of the child to find its mother tongue at the doorstep of schooling has got to be conceded; sooner, the better. Suitable strategies of teaching scripts and linguistic structures have got to be thoughtfully devised and imaginatively adopted. These alone will clear the mess made in the name of administrative feasibility, and generate a cultural climate of mutual understanding. In such a climate alone can the link language gracefully integrate the Mother Tongues and the Mother Tongues could gratefully get their due.

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