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- Preface
- Introduction
- Note on the Diacritical Marks Used
- The Alphabets
- The Vowels
- The Consonants
- Acknowledgments

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The Consonants

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The next set of consonants are:

Y is pronounced as the letter Y in the English word YES.

Some of the Kashmiri words that use this sound are:

R is the symbol used for the sound represented by the sound of the letter R in the English RED.

We have below some of the Kashmiri words that use the symbol R.

The symbol L is a consonant that has the same sound as L in the English LEG.

In Kashmiri there are many words which employ this sound. Some of them are:

The symbol V is used to denote a sound that is identical with that of the letter V in the English VAN.

Here are some of the Kashmiri words that use this sound:

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