

The Muslim rishis:
Nandarishi |
Muslim rishis: Nandarishi
For centuries the Hindus
and Muslims in Kashmir have lived together. The Kashmiri Muslims have been
influenced by the Hindus, and the Hindus have been influenced by the
Kashmir is the only place
in India where Muslims have surnames such as 'pandit' and 'bhat'. The
Kashmiri Hindus and Muslims have a distinctive culture and way of living.
Even the sufis of Kashmir are of a special type.
How Sufism came to
Kashmir is a long story. The famous sufis of Kashmir are Sayyid Bulbul
Shah, Sayyid Ali Hamdani, and Mir Mohammad Hamdani. It is claimed that
Hindu thought and religion greatly influenced Kashmiri sufis. The result
was that Kashmir produced sufis with a different outlook. Some people call
these sufis "Muslim rishis''.
Among the "Muslim rishis",
the most famous rishi is Sheikh-nur-ud-din. Out of love and
veneration, the Hindus and Muslims call him .
The Kashmiri Pandits also call him Sahzanand.
The shrine of Nandrishi
is located in
(tsrarishariph). This is a small village about five miles from Nagam. Both
Hindus and Muslims go to this shrine to offer flowers.
It is difficult to say
when Nandrishi was actually born. It is said by some that he was born in
1377 in a village called Kaimuh. People also say that Lalded nursed
Nandrishi as a child. In addition to this, there are many other stories
about him that are popular in Kashmir. Some of these stories must be true,
while others must have been created by the people.
Many stories are also
told about Nandrishi's parents. Some say that his parents made a living by
stealing and robbing, which made Nandrishi unhappy. But others say that
his father, Salar Sanz, was a pious man.
It is said that Nandrishi
left home when he was thirty years old He meditated for twelve years
inside a cave. This cave was in a forest where he could not get much to
eat. When Nandrishi completed his meditation, he spread his ideas among
the Kashmiris.
Many Kashmiri Hindus and
Muslims became Nandrishi's disciples. They renounced the world and took
shelter in a ziya:rath.
They gave up eating meat and observed celibacy. They devoted themselves
completely to meditation in their ziya:rath.
On their death, these rishis were buried in their .
Kashmiris have great reverence for these
and devotedly go there to place flowers on the graves. These shrines are
still found in Kashmir. Two well-known shrines are in Aishmukam and
Anantnag. Janakrishi lived in Aishmukam, and Rishmol lived in Anantnag.
There are three famous shrines in Srinagar. Batmal, Thagbab Sahib, and
RishiPir lived in these.
Out of all these rishis,
Nandrishi is considered outstanding. That is why his sayings are uttered
by Kashmiris with great reverence.
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