Braj B. Kachru

Professor Braj B. Kachru
is the Director of the Centre for Advanced Study at the University of Illinois,
Champaign, USA. He is the world's leading scholar inthe field of world Englishes;
he has pioneered, shaped, and defined the linguistic, socio-cultural and
pedagogical dimensions of cross-cultural diffusion of English.
Professor Kachru is author or
editor of 20 books, including the prize-winning The Alchemy of English: The
Spread, Functions and Models of Non-Native Englishes, associate editor of
the acclaimed The Oxford Companion to the English Language and Contributor
to the Cambridge History of the English Language. In addition, he has
written over 100 research papers, review articles and reviews on Kashmiri and
Hindi languages and literatures, and theoretical and applied aspects of language
in society. Kachru sits on the editorial boards of eight scholarly journals, and
is founder and co-editor of the journal World Englishes. He has chaired
many national and international committees and led several organisations,
including the American Association for Applied Linguistics. Among his many
awards is the Duke of Edinburgh Award (1987).
Professor Kachru holds appointments
in linguistics, education, comparative literature and English as an
international language. He is a Jubilee Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences
and was head of the Department of Linguistics for 11 years, director of English
as an International Language for six years, and director of the Linguistic
Institute of the Linguistic Society of America (1978). He has had fellowships
from the British Council, the East-West Centre and the American Institute of
Indian Studies. He has held visiting professorships in Canada, Singapore and
Text reproduced from:
All India Kashmiri Samaj (AIKS)
Vol. 5, No. 10-11
October-November, 1996