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In this Programme, you will be introduced to
A. Possessive pronouns
m’o:n |
mine (M) |
m:e:n’ |
mine (F) |
co:n |
your |
cA:n’ |
your (F) |
so:n |
our |
sA:n’ |
our (F) |
tuhund |
your |
tuhInz |
your (F) |
B. Kinship terms
mo:l |
father |
beni |
sister |
mA:j |
mother |
buD’bab |
grandfather |
petIr |
uncle |
pecan’ |
aunt |
bo:y |
brother |
C. Adverbials:
yeti here
D. Vocabulary items
garI |
home/house |
pho:Tu: |
photograph |
hamsa:yi |
neighbors |
ba:zar |
market |
Now listen to the conversation “About Home”
A: |
yi cha:
co:n garI ? |
Is this
your home? |
R: |
a: yi chu
m’o:n garI |
Yes this is my home. |
A: |
hu kus chu ? |
Who is that? |
R: |
hu chu m’o:n
mo:l |
He is my father. |
A: |
h> cha:
cA:n’ beni ? |
Is she your sister? |
R: |
a: yi cha me:n’
beni |
Yes, she is my
sister. |
A: |
yi kus chu ? |
Who is this? |
R: |
yi chu m’o:n
bo:y |
He is my brother. |
A: |
cA:n’ mA:j kati
cha ? |
Where is your
mother? |
R: |
me:n’ mA:j
cha DaftarI |
My mother is in the
office. |
A: |
tuhund buD’
bab cha: yeti? |
Is your grandfather
here? |
R: |
a: su chu yeti |
Yes, he is here. |
A: |
tuhund’ hamsa:yi:
kam chi ? |
Who are your
neighbors? |
R: |
hamsa:yi chi hari tI ashokI
yi chu hariyun maka:nI
tI hu chu ashokun. |
Our neighbors are
Hari and Ashok. This is Hari’s house and that is Ashok’s. |
A: |
shi:lI cha na:
tuhunz hamsa:yiba:y? |
Isn’t Sheela your
neighbour? |
R: |
na s>
chanI sA:n’ hamsa:yiba:y |
No, she is not
our neighbour. |
A: |
yi kAm’sund pho:Tu:
chu ? |
Whose picture is
this? |
R: |
yi chu ra:mjiyun
pho:T u:, su chu so:n petIr. |
This is.mp3ji’s
picture. He is our uncle. |
A: |
TuhInz pecan’ kati
cha ? |
Where is your aunt? |
R: |
sA:n’ pecan’ cha
ba:zrI |
Our aunt is in the
market. |
III. In this
Programme, we have learnt the use of possessive pronouns
A. Listen and
1. yi chu m’o:n garI
2. h> che cA:n’
3. yi chu so:n
4. su chu tuhund
5. yi chu co:n garI
6. yi chu ra:jun
7. tuhInz
pecan’kati cha ?
8. sA:n’ pecan’
cha ba:zrI
B. Listen and
memorize the kinship terms
mo:l |
father |
mA:j |
mother |
bo:y |
brother |
beni |
sister |
petIr |
uncle |
pecan’ |
aunt |
p>ph |
aunt (father’s
sister) |
ma:s |
aunt (mother’s
sister) |
pitur bo:y |
cousin brother |
pitIr beni |
cousin sister |