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I. This Programme
introduces you to the future tense simple and progressive. In Kashmiri, future
tense is indicated by auxiliary a:si and a:san.
A. The
verbs introduced in this conversation are:
a:sun |
(auxiliary) |
? |
(you) be ? |
a:si |
will be |
a:sakh a:sa:n |
you will be
(progressive) |
va:tun |
va:ta:n |
arriving |
va:ti |
will arrive |
pakun |
paka:n |
walking/arriving |
a:si paka:n |
will be arriving |
pra:run |
a:sakh pra:ran |
(you) will be
waiting |
gatshun |
to go |
karun |
to do |
h’on |
hemI |
I shall buy |
ne:run |
ne:r |
leave (imp) |
II. Listen to
the conversation
Zoon: |
ra:jay, va:ray chakhay ? |
Hey !
Raji are you fine? |
Raji: |
ahni: va:ray |
Yes fine. |
Zoon: |
haye: dewA:li karIy
che? |
Hey! When is the
Diwali ? |
Raji: |
zAhra: a:si
tsAdIrva:ri d>:hI |
Perhaps, it falls on
Monday. |
Zoon: |
kinI bomva:ri d>h |
I think may be on
Tuesday. |
Raji: |
khabar ciThiy chenI
va:ta:n az ma:h va:ti |
I am not sure. There
is no letter. May be I will get it today. |
Zoon: |
kAm’ sIz ciTh’? |
Whose letter ? |
Raji: |
De:Di sI~z
ciTh’hay a:si
paka:n dewA:li: chena: |
Daddy’s letter. It
must be on way, because it is Diwali. |
Zoon: |
tim kati chi
a:sa:n ? |
Where is he ? |
tim chi a:sa:n
kAshi:ri. |
He lives in Kashmir. |
Zoon: |
tsI a:skha:
paga:h yetiy
pra:ra:n ? |
Will you be waiting
here tomorrow. |
Raji: |
na, pagah chu
me ba:zar
gatshun. |
No, I have to go to
the market tomorrow. |
Zoon: |
tati k’ah chuy
karun ? |
What will you do
there ? |
Raji: |
bI hemI
sa:ma:nI tI sabzi: |
I will buy
goods and vegetables. |
Zoon: |
acha: ne:r kh>da:yas
hava:lI |
Okay, go ahead. God
bless you. |
Raji: |
adbi: va:rIvati
ro:z |
Okay, God
bless you. |
III. Now we listen
to the words you have heard in the conversation again
va:ray |
O.K. |
va:rIvati |
O.K. |
haye: |
(vocative) |
devA:li: |
(Indian festival) |
zAhra: |
probably/apparently |
tsAdIrva:r |
Monday |
bomva:r |
Tuesday |
dohi |
(on the) day |
khabar |
I don’t know |
paga:h |
tomorrow |
sa:ma:nI |
grocery |
sabzi: |
vegetable |
adbi: |
address term
(feminine) |
va:rIvati ro:z |
be in good shape |
kh>da:yas haVa:lI |
God bless you |
IV. Listen and repeat
1. haye:
de:vA:li: karIy chi ?
2. zAhra: a:si tsĂdIrva:ri
3. kAmisI~z ciTh’ va:ti:
4. De:Di: sI~z ciTh’
5. kAm’sund ka:D va:ti:
6. bA:y sund ka:D
7. tim kati chi a:sa:n?
8. tim chi a:sa:n kAshi:ri
9. tse k’ah chuy ba:zrI karun
10. bI hemI sa:ma:nI tI sabzi:
11. acha: ne:r kh>da:yas hawa:lI
12. adbi: va:rI vati ro:z
V. Listen and
remember the “days of week”
tsAndIrva:r |
Monday |
bomva:r |
Tuesday |
b>dva:r |
Wednesday |
brasva:r |
Thursday |
shokurva:r/Juma:h |
Friday |
baTIva:r |
Saturday |
a:thIva:r |
Sunday |