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I. This
Programme introduces perfective aspect
The verbs employed
vuchmut |
seen |
prutsmut |
asked |
khyomut |
eaten |
ranimatsI |
cooked (F) |
bu:zmut |
heard |
n’u:mut |
taken |
h’otmut |
bought |
gA:mIt’ |
gone (P) |
Listen to the conversation
khA:ndar |
marriage” |
Ali: |
nasi:ma: tse
chutha: kA:shur
kha:ndar vuchmut ? |
Have you seen
(attended) a Kashmiri marriage ? |
N: |
a: me
chu kAshI:ri akh do:s .
tAmis o:s parus kha:ndar.tAm’
o:s me sa:las prItshmut.me
A:s’ mami: DeDi: ti si:t’. |
Yeah, I have a
friend in Kashmir. He had the wedding during the last year. He had invited
me. I was accompanied by my Mummy and Daddy. |
A: |
Teli a:sivI t>hi
va:zIva:n khyomut ? |
Then you would have
enjoyed "vazwaan" (a special feast) . |
N: |
a: asi chu
kh’omut.timav a:sI
va:rya:h ziya:phtsi ranimatsI. |
Yes, We have eaten
that feast also. They had prepared many good preparations. |
A: |
kya: kya: ? |
What varieties? |
N: |
kaba:b, g>shta:b,
yekhIn’, ristI tI tabakhna:Th . |
Kababs, goshtabs,
yakhni, rista and tabakhnat. |
A: |
me chu bu:zmut,
kA:shur kha:ndar
chu vuchun la:yakh
a:sa:n |
I have heard that
Kashmiri weddings are worthseeing. |
N: |
chu th Thi:kh bu:zmut.tse
kati chath tihInz mA:zira:th vuchhmIts. |
Yes, you have heard
right. Where have you seen their Manzira:th. (you haven’t seen it.) |
A: |
t>hi o:sva: timan
k?h prazant nyumut ? |
Had you taken some
present for them. |
N: |
a: me:n’
DeDiyan o:s dili ca:ndi seT h’otmut.su d’ut asi timan. |
My Daddy had brought
a silver set from Delhi. We gave it to them. |
A: |
tim a:san
seTha: kh>sh gA:mIt’ |
They would have felt
very happy. |
N: |
a: tim gAyi
s’aTha: kh>sh |
Yeah, they were very
happy. |
Listen and repeat
1. |
A:s kAshi:r vuchmIts |
4. |
asi cha
sabzi: ranInA:vmIts |
2. |
asi o:s
sa:IrnIy prutshmut |
5. |
tAm’ o:s maka:ni
hyotmut |
3. |
tse chuth va:zIva:n
khyo:mut |
6. |
tim A:s’ shahar
gA:mIt’ |
Listen and remember the body parts
kalI |
head |
athI |
hand |
buth |
face |
nAr |
nari |
arm |
arms |
zãg |
zãgi |
leg |
legs |
dãd |
teeth |
vuTh |
lip(s) |
A :s |
mouth |
Ach |
eye(s) |
kan |
ear |
yaD |
belly |
õgIj |
finger |
õgIji |
fingers |
mas |
hair |