ProgrammeS ON
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The speech
system of Kashmiri comprises of 15 vowels and twenty-seven consonants. For
teaching and learning purpose these sounds have been grouped into fifteen
Programmes. Nasalisation and palatalisalion are the important features of
Kashmiri pronunciation. These have been explained in two other Programmes. In
all Kashmiri pronunciation course comprises of 17 Programmes.
One more Programme has been devoted
to vocabulary development and for improving the listening and speaking
comprehension of the learners. While as most of the speech sounds remain common
in world languages and need little effort on the part of learner to acquire
these. There are certain typical sounds in every speech community, which need
special mention and practice. Similarly in Kashmiri as well there are certain
peculiar speech sounds which require extra effort on the part of learner to
Let us now start learning the
pronunciation of Kashmiri language.