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Programme 23

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I.  In this Programme, we introduce simple verb forms

gatshun to go karun to do
va:lun to bring down barun to fill
so:zun to send n’un to take
d’un to give pakun to walk

 B.    Other vocabulary items
kot where ba:g garden
măz in măDi: market place
pi:T’ box akh one
zI two pĂ:sI money
k?h some parva:y care, worry
sI:t’ with kAts many
do:s friend

  C.  Datives
me to me tse to you
t>hi to you asi to us

II.    Now listen to the conversation
A: he: tse  kot chuy gatshun ? Hey!  Where are you going?
R: me chu ba:gas măz gatshun I have to go to the garden. 
A: tati k’a chuy karun ? What are you going to do there?
R: tati chi k?h mozu:r timan chi 
tsu:Th’ va:lIn’ . tim chi pe:T’an 
barIn’. paga:h chi manDi: so:zIn’
Some labourers are there. They have to bring down (pluck) apples. These are to be packed in wooden boxes and will be sent to market tomorrow.
A: me  ti che akh zI peTi zoru:rath  I too need one or two boxes.
R: k?h parva:y chu nI. pAkiv me sI:t’. Doesn’t matter. Come along with me.
A: kAts pĂ:nsI chi din’ ? How much is to be paid?
R: t>hi chivnI pĂ:sI din’.toh’ chiv SA:n’ do:s You don’t have to pay money. You are my friend.

III.   Listen and repeat

1. tse kot chuy gatshun?
2. me chi tsu:Th’ va:lin’
3. tim chi manDi: so:zIn’
4. tse kAts pe:Ti chay nini
5. tsI pakh me sI:t’
6. k?h chu nI parva:y
7. pĂ:sI chi nI din’
8. tsu:Th’ chi dili so:zin’ 
9. pĂ:sI chi si:t’ nin’

IV.    Listen the names of some fruits and try to remember
tsu:Th’  apple Tăg pear
gila:sI cherry Du:n’ walnut
tul mulberry tse:r apricot
tsInun peach bamtsu:Th beach palm
dach grapes ba:da:m almond
dA:n pomegranate

V.    Listen and remember the numerals
11 kah eleven 16 shurah sixteen
12 bah twelve 17 sadah seventeen
13 truvah thirteen 18 ardah eighteen
14 ts>da:h fourteen 19 kunIvuh nineteen
15 pădah fifteen 20 vuh twenty

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